Full feed on Posts or Comments 17 February 2025

video Jay Abraham on 28 May 2011

Abraham Advantage Videos

Jay Abraham recently started to upload some of his videos on youtube. They are all on a website called Abraham Advantage. More videos are in the process of being added. Enjoy!

seminar Jay Abraham on 14 Jan 2011

Jay Abraham Two Day Super Briefings

Details of this event are as set out in his email that I have reproduced below:

I’ll make this simple. I’m building a new coaching/mentoring division
designed to privately work “one-on-one” with real business
owners/entrepreneurs of every size, shape and kind–to help them grow
their businesses.

Our “sourcing” concept is quite groundbreaking. My accountant thinks
it’s crazy. I say it’s bold. We’re willing to literally “buy” any real,
stable business owner a two-day, high-intensity, “fat-free” foundational
business building seminar that I’ve created. It’s a fast-track,
acceleration course — designed to educate, excite and clearly
demonstrate to any under-performing business owner – how much more
sales, profit and new buyers are possible from their business efforts
and activities.

There’s no catch to the offer we’ll be making to qualified
entrepreneurs, business owners, professionals and P & L-oriented
managers. As long as they can prove that they are real, stable
businesses with enough growth potential to benefit from future private
coaching or mentoring – we’ll buy them a real, $5,000 value, intensive,
two-day seminar now – with no strings attached!

What’s the “method to our madness”? Simple. We believe if we “bedazzle”
40 entrepreneurs at a time in this intimate, content-rich seminar – some
number – be it 3, 5, 10 or more, will become highly motivated to use our
paid coaching/mentoring one-on-one services.

Does that mean these two-day “Super Briefings” as I’m calling them, are
nothing but thinly veiled “Sell-a-Thons” and low value teaser events.

No. Absolutely the opposite.

Certainly, at the end we WILL affirmatively make a credible, hype-free
offering to quality/qualified people to embark on a 13 – 52 week private
coaching/mentoring relationship with the high performance specialists
I’ve recruited.

But – no one in their right mind today would possibly be interested (let
alone willing and eager) to invest in “results-based,” personalized
coaching/mentoring – UNLESS they gained an outrageously valuable – and
wildly profitable experience from the seminar we bought them.

Is the seminar really and truly worth $5,000?

You tell me.

I’ve take the fundamental content from my $9,000, four-day event, the
most powerful elements of my $5,000 Power Partnering program, the
mindset segment out of both Master of Passive Income and my $30,000
Protégé Program – then distilled it ALL down into a “Super Synergy,”
two-day, whirlwind “Intensive” that’s designed to utterly, totally (and
continuously) blow the mind of ANY traditional thinking business owner,
entrepreneur, professional or manager out there.

Frankly, it HAS to be the most memorable, intimate and unforgettably
positive experience someone encounters – or they won’t go forward and
take us up on any long-term, private coaching or mentoring proposition
we make.

So the person who’ll be presenting this two-day, Power Program is
himself a human dynamo. Both colorful and possessing deep, vivid
understanding of the business building process – Jay Abraham-style.
He’ll resonate with the people I’m trying to attract.

My belief is that ANY business owner who is invited to be our guest at
one of these 40-person (maximum attendance) seminars – will gain an
indispensable understanding of how much more monumental business growth
and profit improvement can still be engineered today – by anyone willing
to think, act and transact far differently than their maddening crush of

I’m telling you all this for a reason. We’re doing the first three
sessions as a “beta” test experimental process over a two-month period.
The locations will be Chicago, IL, Austin, TX, and Los Angeles, CA. I’ve
decided to invite real business owners from my list (who can prove they
are real, stable and well-suited) to attend one of these powerhouse
seminars — at MY expense – not yours.

Stated differently, I’m willing to “Buy You” an exceptional, two-day
experience that could totally redefine your idea of how successful your
business can quickly become. I should, however, warn you of three

1. For those of you who are thoroughly versed in ALL my methods,
mindsets, concepts, strategies and techniques, attending this seminar
would merely be an astounding and significant review process (that would
– profoundly “up” your game). But for anyone who only understands a
small fraction of my thinking – or for people who never grasped how to
profitably use and apply my ideas – these two days could prove —

2. I promise you’ll receive a brilliant and generous dose of
skillfully-explained education and high performance business building.
However, DO know and understand that – towards the end, we WILL extend a
commercial proposition to coach or mentor you personally/privately and
successfully for 13 – 52 weeks. So if that offends you, please do not
register. Of course, you’re under zero obligation to accept our

3. You must qualify if you want me to “eat” the $5,000 fee. So if you’re
NOT a stable, sustaining, real credible business – please DO NOT contact
us. Because you won’t be accepted – unless, of course, you want to pay
the $5,000 to attend.

4. Finally, please do not apply unless you are prepared to attend.
People who get accepted to be “comp’d” to one of these seminars – but do
not attend WILL be charged the full $5,000 price. We will make you
stipulate that commitment before we accept you. Again, this is a
critically important “beta” test. We need you to show up and experience
the seminar critically and completely.

Then, whether or not you decide to seek out our long-term coaching,
support, advice and assistance – we still need your feedback,
constructive criticism and your “ah ha’s!”.

This highly selective way of winning the trust of prospective coaching
clients is intended to launch a unique business coaching organization
and that will benefit a relatively small number of entrepreneurs that I
don’t/can’t currently help.

I resolutely believe that anyone qualified to participate — who
experiences each segment with a wide-eyed, open mind will come away with
a “treasure trove” of previously unknown (or previously misunderstood)
breakthrough concepts. This seminar alone, could be the basis for
“hurtling” your business many rungs higher on the success and
profitability ladder.

Again, the seminar is a $5,000 experience. Hopefully, enough of you who
get invited WILL advance to coaching clients to make it worthwhile for
me to continue doing these two-day events-gratis. But for now, I’ve only
scheduled three events. Here are the dates and locations:

January 20, 2011 – January 21, 2011, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS
(starts at 1pm local time)

January 27, 2011 – January 28, 2011, AUSTIN, TEXAS
(starts at 1pm local time)

February 24, 2011 – February 25, 2011, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA
(starts at 1pm local time)

If you crave a two-day adventure in business building that could have
wide-reaching impact on redefining and reinventing your business
approach – definitely apply for consideration. Size really doesn’t
matter for this proposition. Apply… as long as your business is stable,
ethical, credible and has enough sustaining cash flow that you COULD
become a coaching client – IF my two day process reenergizes your
excitement for harnessing more of my methods.

My express goal for creating this project (and recruiting the man who’ll
be teaching you my methods) is to transform stagnant, stifled, stuck
businesses and help turn you into a more prominent and profound
moneymaker. I hope we’ll have the opportunity to reshape your business,
if not through long term coaching – then at least through the powerful
impact this dramatic, mind-shifting seminar will produce.

I can promise you that these two days will definitely change the way you
look and think about your entire business world.

If you feel interested and qualified, do THIS-only, and do it
immediately: Send an email to my office at coachmentor@abraham.com.

On that email, please include the following information:

1. Your name and name of your business

2. Kind of business, size, location

3. Products/services you sell, who you sell to (i.e. generic

4. All contact numbers (day/night/cell phone, fax, address)

My applications director will call you back within 24 business hours to
explore your suitability. BUT, if you don’t provide all four categories
of the information requested, you will not receive a call back. If you
want to show that you are qualified and prove that you are compatible –
then show it and prove it by taking this first-step, indicator action

We will NOT play telephone tag with anyone. Nor will we respond to
cryptic emails.

If you’d like to attend as a full paying participant, please indicate
that in your email.



P.S. In case you’re wondering “Why? Why am I doing this and why now?”
Let me answer both questions: first, too many companies out there offer
“coaching” that’s almost worthless – seriously. They charge people hefty
fees, but pay their coaches (most of whom never succeed in any business
endeavor in their life) a pittance. So you get advice and guidance based
on absolutely no understanding of real business or real business growth
dynamic. That upsets me and I want to show business owners how it’s done

Secondly, so many smaller companies implored me to find a way to “still”
help their businesses survive and thrive – after I announced that I was
concentrating my time and attention on working with large firms – so I
decided to create the most elite, boutique, coaching/mentoring process
in existence.

Finally – since my personal, long-term focus today is finding businesses
that I can help build, while sharing in the growth and profits I produce
– I’m hoping we’ll find some real “sleeper” opportunities amongst the
client companies that we coach/mentor. That’s the method to doing it.
Hope that explains my motives adequately enough to motivate you to
contact us – if well suited.

downloads Jay Abraham on 10 Jul 2010

Gifts From Jay Abraham

Jay Abraham is gifting some of his valuable resources away:

  • Two of his best selling books
  • Interview with Anthony Robbins
  • 502 Case studies
  • 87-question self assessment diagnostic

and more…

You can download them here:

Hint: click on the links under “Want to learn more about me”

teleconference Jay Abraham on 03 Dec 2009

Never Work Again Rebroadcast

This is a rebroadcast of the keynote address that Jay Abraham delivered at Harv Eker’s “Never Work Again” $2000 event.

At Harv’s event, Jay spent 120-minutes sharing real world examples of ways he has created passive income streams and “hands-off,” profit centers.

He told how other prosperous people have figured out how to never work again, too. Enjoying six, even seven figures annual earnings “annuities” (purely passively) with little or no capital requirement, whatsoever.

You’ll be able to learn specific, immediate ways you can apply the basics immediately to your own life or anyone else’s you want to joint venture with.

Click here to register for this free teleconference.

teleconference Jay Abraham on 07 Nov 2009

Accountability Coaching Mastermind Mentoring Call

Jay Abraham is starting a series of Mastermind Accountability and Mentoring Sessions for a select group of participants.

His goal for this new, experimental program is to deal here (and now) with the specific, biggest issues you’re struggling with or trying to get answers to — and solve them for you, there and then on that actual session’s group conference call.

If you are keen to be part of this program, attend the discover calls next week to find out more:

Thursday, November 12th at 6pm PT (9pm ET)
Friday, November 13th at 1pm PT (4pm ET)
Saturday, November 14th at 9am PT (12pm ET)

No registration is required, use the following to call in:

Dial-in Number: 512-225-3563
Passcode: 472111#

If you want more information on this program, visit the link below:

Accountability Coaching Mastermind

teleconference Jay Abraham on 16 Oct 2009

The League of Extraordinary Minds

Rich Schefren and Jay Abraham invite you to join them in making online marketing history.

54 of the most influential, most respected, and most recognized business advisors in the world are joining forces to launch a monumental business altering initiative — and you’re invited.

Read on >>The League of Extraordinary Minds

teleconference Jay Abraham on 24 Sep 2009

Becoming The Maven Of Your Market

This Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Jay Abraham will be conducting a special web broadcast with his personal friend, business partner and Internet business Market Master – Rich Schefren with one mission in mind:

To teach you how to become a legend in your prospects’ minds.

In other words, Rich and Jay are going to make you famous (and extremely profitable!).

Click here to register

For two solid hours, they’re going to help you take the first steps to transforming yourself into the dominant thought leader… the leading authority… the “Maven” of your market.

This special Free Web Broadcast is absolutely essential for you if you really, truly and sincerely want your online (or offline) business to explode past all of your competitors…

If you genuinely want to see your income multiply geometrically…

And if you want to see your business, product, service… and you… catapulted into stratospheric levels of respect, response and financial prosperity,

Simply click here to register

The web broadcast is free!

books Martin Lee on 25 Jun 2009

Sticking Point Reading Room Starts Today

Today is the day when Jay Abraham will discuss his newest book “The Sticking Point Solution” during his special Reading Room session.

This first session is open to everyone.

Participants will get a chance to ask Jay any question about his Sticking Point strategies for creating income streams that are optimized for a challenging economy.

Click here to sign up for the Reading Room.

Subsequent sessions will only be for the buyers of his book. If you haven’t purchased the Sticking Point book, you can do it here:

The Sticking Point Solution

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